Luigi R. Cruz
Luigi R. Cruz
- luigicruz.dev@gmail.com
- Phone
- (+63) 961 624 6265
- Title
- Software Engineer
- Location
- Manila, Philippines
- About
I'm a developer living in Manila, Philippines. I have more than 6 years of professional experience in software development specifically in Web Development.
I have dedicated the past years honing my skills and expanding my knowledge in front-end development. I am confident that my growth and experience align perfectly with the demands of the role. My primary goal is to contribute meaningfully to the team and deliver exceptional results that will greatly help the company's growth and our clients.
- Why me?
I love to craft UI libraries and experiment with tools to make the lives of other developers easier. I pushed the developer experience forward by introducing a bunch of things. Let me tell you a little bit more about them:
I introduced React and TypeScript at my current job. Previously it was EmberJS. We've incrementally refactored the EmberJS app into React applying the design system using the UI library that I've initially developed.
I am very well versed in the various API's that React supports. I know my way around Server/Client components, hooks, server actions, react compiler and so on. I'm also not afraid to use context and portals once in a while!
I am also pretty good at designing developer friendly component API's. I'm all about tiny and explicit API's (instead of spreading props all over the place).
Some examples of component API's I like:
I don't like components with a className prop because they create implicit components. I like API's such as variants, sizes, orientation, etc to be exposed by the component rather than allowing custom classes. Components should be built around the design system of a brand and by allowing custom classes, you're allowing developers to add odd styles that aren't conforming to the set designs.
- What can we build together
- - We will build high quality components around the Design System
- - We will build digital solutions that drive transformational value
- - We will create highly interactive components such as Data tables, Charts, Forms, etc.
- - We will create a CLI such as component generators
- - Let's add Artificial Intelligence that guides customers or visitors of our apps
- - Let's create awesome and friendly documentations
- - Let's make our websites optimized, maintainable, and scalable
<VStack gap={2} align="center">
<Button variant="primary">Click me!</Button>
<Button variant="secondary">Click me!</Button>
<Button variant="accent">Click me!</Button>
<Button variant="success">Click me!</Button>
<Button variant="info">Click me!</Button>
<Button variant="warning">Click me!</Button>
<Button variant="danger">Click me!</Button>
<MenuContent orientation="column">
<MenuItem>Test 1</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>Test 2</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>Test 3</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>Test 4</MenuItem>
<Stack justify="between">
<RadioGroup defaultValue="first">
<Label htmlFor="radio-first">First</Label>
<Radio value="first" id="radio-first" />
<Label htmlFor="radio-second">Second</Label>
<Radio value="second" id="radio-second" />
There is a bunch more I would love to talk about, but I hope I already convinced you enough to start a conversation. I am looking forward to your response / feedback!